Monday 23 November 2009

Planning of Film

Propps/ Mis-en-Scene/ Costume

I am going to base my super hero on the Childrens series 'Power Rangers'. Although there are going to be some modifications such as title and style, so that it is aimed at more of a teenage audience. Many other comicbook superhero characters have done the same on the big screen, so this could happen with a TV show.

This prop is a morpher, which will be used to eastablish the superhero character, towards the end of the opening scene after the football game.

I will be partly using the helmet towards the end of the red ranger, so this really establishes to the audience that this is an action/superhero genre film, for when the central protagonists morphs and begins the fight at the end of the opening. Although due to buget this will have to be made as a type of mask, not a helmet.

The football will be used in the slow motion scene at thr very begining, to signify that the character is very sporty, so its in keeping with the superhero being strong, fast etc.

For the villain character of the narrative, they will be wearing a basic black hoody, due to the colour of black representing evil and death. This a basic costume, once again due to budget, but will once again establish the genre of action.

I will be using non copyrighted material which i have optained from audionautix. At the current moment I have downloaded some action genre music which will be use mainly in the fight scenes. The main problem is finding the right pace music for the fight and chase scenes. Could give a possibility of making my own music on 'Garageband'.

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