Thursday 1 October 2009

Evaluation of progress: Week 5


Toderov: This theory applies to many meida texts as it is a very basic structure to follow. This theory follows 5 steps

- Equilibrium (This is where the scene is established so are the characters aswell)

-Disruption to equilibrium (This usually introduces the villain of the story or an event that changes the normailty of the characters lifestyle)

-Recognition of disruption (This is when the characters find out the changes in the narrative)

-Attempt to repair disuption (When the situation or change of the narrative is going to be changed to the same equilibrium or a new equilibrium)

-New equilibrium (This is the end of the narrative/story where the disruption is sorted and then a new storyline or back to the start)

Propp: His theory is based around the characters of the media text. There are 8 characters in total

-The villain — The person who fights agains the hero

-The donor — This person gives the hero an object to help with the adventure

-The (magical) helper — Helps the hero on his/her journey

-The princess — The person that the hero has to save towards the end of the narrative or even sometimes marries.

-Her father — In media texts this person is not usually distincted as the father to the princess

-The dispatcher — The dispatcher is the person who sends the hero off on a type of 'quest' which knowledge of something that will happen on the way

- The hero or victim/seeker hero — This is the character that saves the princess and is accompanied by the helper

- False hero/anti-hero/usurper — Trys to take the princess away from the hero and even tries to marry the princess.


This theory is about the binary opposits within media texts such as e.g.


Skills using camera

For filming with cameras we used many shots for our film such as, close-up and long shot, this was due to that the zoom feature on the camera. The camera did not have a complex setting which was easy to use.

Skills in Imovie

Using 'Imovie' aswell was simple since I have used it before for animation projects of my own. There is a simple step by step process that you can follow so that you can upload footage that you need. It is also simple to crop/edit video clips so that you can make it shorter if you want to at certain points or even split the footage so that you can delete images easier. You can aslo add effects to the footage to improve the effect.

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