Tuesday 4 May 2010

Evaluation points

My media project has kept to the sterotypical conventions of the super hero genre, with not only disruption to the narrative of Todderov but keeps in theme with the central protagonist begin a man. However I have made the villain 2 girls to disrupt the typical villain role, almost as a femme fetal.

The media project is once again a sterotypical theme of teenagers being the super hero in this genre. This has been represented more with the character of Peter Parker from the film spider man. This representation, signifies the stereotypical nerd social status in many super hero films.

The institution that would distribute this film would be more of the British film industry, due to the lack of budget used in this film. This could possibly be with Working Title, however this would make the action film genre more comedic as this is what the British film industry is famous for. If this was going to be produced in the USA then the possible places would be 20th Century Fox, as they usually produce some of the more epic super hero genres, also they could give a bigger budget or marketing.

The audience for this media film would be a teenage to young adult audience. This is due to the characters being older and therefore the older audience can relate with the characters more than the younger children could. However with the super hero genre, the representation of the super hero maybe aimed at the younger audience as many cartoons on TV involve a type of role model. This again happened in the case of spider man where the film was aimed at 12 year olds and majority of younger audiences wanted to watch the film. This almost relates to the recent film of 'Kick ass' which is aimed at the mid teen audience. To attract the audience I have kept to the similar theme of having a younger central portagonist and even in this case the villains are the same age.

For the usage of the software Imovie, I have learnt how to edit and cut clips so that the match on action is fluent. I have also seen how to add effects to the final product like the negative, to represent a laser being fire. (Possibly a similar effetc used on Doctor Who). I have also learnt that the process of constructing the film takes a long time, and also that you require alot of footage, due to a final scene of this film having to be made up due to time running out. The adding of titles can change the pace of the film, due to how interesting or not the titles are to grip the audience. The pacing was a key issue for the final product as you have to have short fast transitions so that the audience does not get bored of looking at a too long of shot.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Evaluation: Ninja Game

The genre for my film was superhero, action film. To signify the superhero genre about it, I have made the central protagonist have his super powers already so that the audience can establish that this is a super hero genre.

My opening scene was meant to be a fight scene for the whole opening then leading into the credits. This distortion of the narrative is a common theme in many action, superhero genres. In the opening I have kept the pace up by keeping the shots very short (roughly 1-2 seconds long) so that the audience does not get bored and might see that the hero is not in danger. The match on action in the fight scene was difficult to keep up due to lots of movement by the actors, however this was easily overcome by shortening some clips and keeping up the pace.

One major trouble with the opening scene was the continuity of some actors in shot. In one part the actors seem to dissappear and appear again, however to over come this situation the clips were cut short, so the mistake is not easily seen.

The scene after the opening credits was not intended to be made either. The problem was that the fight scene to begin with was too slow and therefore had to be cut shorter, which lead to trouble with time. So to sort this problem a scene of the central protagonist in his everyday life was made. This is to signify in many films about superhero films how he obtained his powers.

In the mis-en-scene was a deliberate joke of 'Some say he can smell,' this is to signify to the audience that he is not popular amoungst his friends, which also is a typical theme in many super hero films.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Saturday 2 January 2010


The whole opening of my superhero/action genre is a fight scene. Now the only problem with this is the major continuity within each shot and making sure that the action matches each scene. Another possible change at the moment maybe the superhero himself due to budget and possibly copyright. So this could change the title sequence also. I have established the villain and the superhero straight away so that the mainstream audience knows instantly that this is the superhero genre.